Stuff To Buy

I have made the decision that in order to exist this blog needs to have some form of revenue, I don’t want to sell you on other peoples products (unless I do), commissions are not really gonna work here, and I hate affiliate marketing, so I’m gonna go old school.

That’s right, I have my own products that you can buy… OH MY!

I have:

An email subscription, if you do SEO for either yourself or for clients then you simply NEED this, it is (without blowing my own trumpet) one of the best SEO products I have seen anywhere. It contains advanced tips, real case studies from what I am working on, examples of sites to get links from, 2-4 emails per month and each one is insanely actionable and is worth hundreds or thousands of pounds to you in client fees. £9.99 per month.

The exact strategy I use in the first 28 days of EVERY single campaign, this is simply step by step, exactly what to do, and exactly when to do it, in order to get every campaign off to the best possible start. £27.99 one off fee