Link opportunity types


– Yo, yo, yo, what up? Back again with chapter, I think this is number six and in case you’re wondering, yes, that is my hands that smell like pumpkin latte flavoured hand soap, it’s delicious, I keep sniffing my hands with it. Anyway, today is about Finding Link Opportunity Types, this carries on directly from the last one, so if you didn’t watch the last video, Linkable Assets, go check that shit out immediately. Eric Ward, again, more Eric Ward, little bit of Dan Ray at the bottom, because I just wanted to make sure you had a full list of link opportunity types and Eric just says the most popular ones. So, going from linkable assets to link opportunity types, in the last video, this is what we went over, so find all of your assets and create any new asset ideas, once you’ve done those two things, then you need to, this is the content of this video, so we’re going to brainstorm link types for every possible asset that you have, so for example, almost every single link campaign, you’re going to have a thought leader, so we’re gonna use me as an example, I consider myself a thought builder in the link building industry, obviously because I’m giving you my thoughts. So using me as an example, assuming that I have agreed to do two content pieces, two content placement pieces, one hosted piece for my own sites or YouTube or whatever and give up my time for stuff like roundups, interviews and podcasts, etc., these are the opportunity types that are available to me and then Eric gave another example at the bottom, so guest posts obviously, these go here for one of the two content pieces, expert roundups, they’re my time, podcasts, my time, interviews, my time, industry, that should be industry news, this is if I’ve come up with something new or something that nobody’s ever thought of before, so some sort of unique mindset or unique new link type, a new way of finding links, something like that, it would be worthy of news, these are very hard to come up with, but you know, if I had some unique data, so if I discovered something that nobody else has discovered before, I had data points on it, people will happily link to my data and cite it within their articles, ’cause there’ll be a lot of, if I come up with something brand new, that blows the world apart, people are gonna be like citing it in their own information, their own writings, their own videos and you’d think that most people, most moral people will say, “Dan raised the information, “here’s a link to the original source of it,” where I will have published my unique data. Blog comments, I can go to other blog posts about what I talk about, link building and stuff like that, I could even go to On-page type articles and give a little bit of link building information, yeah, this would be great if you backed it up with this, it would be a super powerful tactic, whatever. Broken links, so if stuff’s gone missing, quite recently, not quite recently, about 18 months ago, a huge blog in the SEO industry went missing, there was a mad scramble to sort of… garner the links that that site had, so you would create a piece, that was worthy of being in there, that replaced a piece that was linked to you on that site, go and approach all the people, who linked to it and say, yo, I’ve got a replacement piece, that’s just as good, do you fancy it? I got a shitload of links off that and resource pages, so essentially just sites that say, you know, here’s some good link building blogs, whatever, we’ll go into these a little bit more in the next part. Eric Ward said if you are selling a dog brush, a particular type of bespoke dog brush, I don’t know, I’ve not got it available to me, I bought my cat this thing called a LICKI Brush, so you put it in your mouth and you like stroke your cat, as if you’re licking him, like their mum, she fucking hates it, but anyway, I guess we’re talking about something like that here, so an eCommerce store, that sells a particular type of dog brush, a couple of link types available, pet-related charities, thanking donors, so you could donate to pet charities, they’ll say, you know, “Thanks Dan Ray for your 100 pound donation,” whatever, pet product reviews, you would send them the thing to get reviewed, doggy video sites, so you’d show how much dog, like make videos of how much dogs love this new brush type thing, bloggers who own dogs, because obviously bloggers have authority, they sometimes write about their dog, you know, it’s worth a link there, it’s a relevant link and contest, you can sort of say, you know, get a dog brush, write us a, you know, dog fucking fan fiction, some shit like that, very decent examples there, you need to do this for every single possible asset, that you have within your organisation, so we’re talking about all of the linkable assets that we spoke about in the last video, you would determine all of the ones, that you have, what they are and then determine, sort of make mindmaps of the opportunities that are available for that particular thing. So let’s talk about a couple of common link opportunity types, I just went through a few there, but that was more to show you them in relation to what the linkable asset was. So content placements, such as guest posts, educational pieces, so you and somebody else writing an article together, that type of thing and How To sort of articles on news sites, company profile listings, so this is not so much directories, I have written directories there, but it’s not so much directories, we have that later down here, but this is more like… stories type thing, so this is what this organisation does more like a featured piece, you know, you might have, give them some PDFs, give them some videos, give them some coupons, you know, things like that and they’ll say, you know, this company does this and here’s some free shit from them. Open conversation opportunities, so we’re talking about forums, question-answer sites like Quora, Quora, Quora, don’t know how to say it, and sort of blog comments, things like that, anything where you can take part in or start a conversation. Editorial mentions, so these are my favourite type of link, I’ll put a little star next to them, so you all know, these are resource links, so people saying, “This is a useful resource,” but don’t get it confused with resource page links, it’s not a page listing out resource, it’s just saying you know, “I’m writing about outreach emails, “there’s good systems for outreach emails, “check out Dan Ray’s system,” that sort of thing within content. Actual directories, so these are just curated lists of companies, right, they’re not always curated, curated ones are the best type, but just lists of companies, here’s all of the the dog, fucking dog products eCommerce sites out there. Resource lists, so you’re looking at the best, the top, this week’s best, you know, that type of thing. Sponsored links, you know, these are just paid for, make sure they’re always no followed and make sure they’re disclosed within the article, just to stick with Google’s terms of service, you can sometimes get away with it, sometimes they won’t do it naturally, but you know, just to be safe, I mean, the link’s not like porn, you’re trying to drive traffic through, right. A couple of the ones that Eric didn’t mention, that I just wanna split into sections and tell you about, so calling types, so a couple of the ones that haven’t been mentioned here, these are the ones, that are used most often, so we’re looking at broken links, link expert roundups, local links in a bridge method, so you’re looking at things that are just other businesses within your town, niche links, so things that are not quite related to you, but might have your same audience, online PR type links, very, very long term, I’ve talked about all these before in previous videos, so I’m just listing them off quickly, local bloggers and uni student blogs, these are sort of calling types, you wanna do pillow links to sort of diversify your link types and stuff like that, manufacturers, video sites, professional organisations, conferences and events and Wikipedia, those type of things, they’re good links, but like just used to mainly diversify the types of links that you have, extra link types such as competitor links, infographics, the skyscraper method, that is quite possibly too good for this methodology, but it’s very, very hard and expensive to do, so I don’t recommend it regularly. With that in mind, tomorrow’s should be a little bit more exciting, a little bit more complicated too, so I might just split it into two videos, I’m gonna show you how to find link types, I believe, don’t quote me on that, but yeah, that’ll be it for today and I’ll catch you tomorrow.